gets off on your intro message – Wankerville USA The phonesex Bad Boy list. Sun, 01 May 2016 22:37:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 814-726-1822 – David Fox -sometimes caller/time waster who runs up your bill and often declines. Sun, 01 May 2016 19:47:00 +0000 Although he has done calls in the past, he wastes alot more money then he brings in

-he calls every pso at company repeatedly when she is not there for hours straight on purpose letting calls go straight to machine and listening to entire intro message then tells you how he got off on message next time he gets you on the line.

when he gets you on the line he will call you just to see if your gonna be there, or to tell you he is horny keeping u on line as long as possible never calling back to do a call. then when he does call he takes the cheapest package often trying to go over because “he didn’t get to cum”. he has only done 5 or 6 paying calls at the cheapest rate with all pso’s combined at our company since 2015 and the amount of money he wastes in 800# bill fees is 3 times what he would ever pay doing a call. Also when he does call for  half the time his card declines.  If you choose to take his calls id suggest limiting him to one pso and then blocking him if he begins to display this behavior. nice guy but he loves to waste the 800# and try to get off for free from the intro message or by asking a zillion questions if he gets you on the line. he is very nice but he is drain on the 800 bill. And the amount of money he wastes on the 800 bill is hardly worth the few calls he  pays for

