Category Archives: Wankers

647-673-5527 Wanker time waster harrassing caller

647-673-5527 Wanker time waster harrassing caller

Has called our company multiple times over 20 PSO’s.

never spends a dime so we finally blocked him today.

Ladies this dude is never going to give you money.

We recommend you pre-em-tively block from all your lines.

Three situations occur

  • he jerks off and cums in your ear
  • he asks questions acts like he is gonna pay
  • demands to use apple pay/cash and solicits prostitution

Harry Lefthand 510-291-8591

He called gave me gave card/cc info but refused to tell me how how much time he wanted. So I did not run the card.  Because he refused to tell me how much time he wanted. Instead he would be completely silent or wank and flirt.

Me ” how much time would you like”

Him: silence (but is panting like a wildabeast and you can hear him jacking off)

Me “are you there can you hear me?”

Him: “yes”

Me “How much time would you like”

Him ” are you gonna make me cum? can you make me cum?” (him panting again like a wildabeast jacking off)

Me “ I would love to, How much time would you like”

Him: silence (while panting like a wilda beast and jacking off louder)

Then he calls  back

Him: are we ready for the call?

Me: No because you didn’t tell me how much time you wanted. You never answered me every time I asked.

Him: “are you gonna make me cum? can you make me cum (while panting like a wildabeast and jacking off loudly)

I didn’t run the card, because he never told me how much to run. And I’m sure if I tried it would decline by his behavior if the card is even his. 

Another one to pre-emtively block ladies. Save your time and energy. 

Gary Silverman aka Greg Gold aka Greg G Goldman 631-987-9200

Gary Silverman Also known as Greg Gold As well as Greg G. Goldman

Phone number 631-987-9200 (caller id comes in as DJ Services)


Called one of my Pso’s on multiple lines. Asking too many questions. Keeping her on the line for 10 minutes between 3 calls. Asking all the questions that both our websites have all the answers to. As he is breathing heavy and wanking. Our lines became busy. He refused to offer payment for a session. He just wanted to keep her on the line talking for free. And got annoyed when payment was requested. She tried several times to excuse herself. Caller talked and yelled over my pso. Trying to dominate her and hold her hostage on the phone.

When she referred him to the websites and welcomed him to email the rest of his questions he became belligerent Via Email.  In his email below as you will see he will misrepresent the facts of what happened. He got 10 mins not 2 for free across 3 calls while edging and breathing heavy asking a million questions.  Heavily consider blocking this guy from your lines as a pre-emptive move. This is a pattern of his. He has only done one payment at my service in 2 years. All the other times its been wanking. Tonight he took his wanking to another level and became abusive.

I mean she spoke to him for free asking his many questions for 10 minutes across 3 calls? How much more time did he feel entitled to ? Also he kept asking if she would entertain his fantasy but refused to say what it was. Demanded a special we used to have supposedly that we never had (15 mins for $18) and became annoyed when we did not offer him our services at that price.

Email attached below for your pleasure.

This guy has big attitude little wallet energy. in 2 years of wanking and time wasting and only spending $20 for 10 minutes. My younger pso was kind enough to to take three of his calls (for a total overall of 10 minutes for free) as he asked his many questions and panted like a wildebeast. Not spending a dime. Just wasting her time as our lines got slammed. She could have hung up in his face but she didn’t. But because she decided 10 minutes of Q&A  (question answers) was enough he went off the rails via email.

This is what you can expect from Mr. Greg aka Gary. We recommend you block his numbers, his email. He is a little spender who wanks alot with a big attitude (and not in a good way). This guy is gonna waste your ever loving time. Then get nasty when you cut him off . And when you try to  excuse yourself politely (Because Gary/Greg ignores social cues). He will talk over you in a loud way to assert himself over you. To make you listen to him.

Please save your time and energy and spare yourself the drama.


James Demeter 708-906-6709,708-906-9975,708-349-1424 harrassing abusive wanker

calls non stop rapid fire trying to jam lines so you can’t get any other calls. A real asshole, never pays. just calls you to flirt and say and ask dumb shit.

things like – hi over and over

or ” how you doing” over and over

or  he goes the other way and  calls you jerking it in your ear.

do yourself a favor. If he calls you once just block all these numbers. Because if you don’t at a time of his choosing he is going to jam your lines. I had to mute the line and take it off the hook just to try to call people back who couldn’t get through because of him. Any time you say his name pop up on caller ID please update it to this list and block it from all your lines. I’ve been in this industry over a decade and never seen him do a paying call.

Eric Hershberger 971-901-5771 difficult customer/wanker

Eric Hershberger 971-901-5771

Difficult customer. Overtly picky. time waster. frequently requests refunds because he is financially irresponsible. Breaks rules. emotionally unhinged/unbalanced. Harrass’s your line just to tell you to read his emails because he wants them read right now! he is overly demanding. if your busy or off or on vacation he gets over emotional and sometimes emotionally abusive. because he is a very damaged person. Demands tons of free stuff. Demands to be your #1 priority even if your super busy. complains alot. nit picks. high maintenance client who for all the trouble he gives you is very cheap and never tips (low Return on investment for the time and effort he feels entitled to receive.)

Oh and by the way. He typically only calls on Fridays/Weekends and holidays during prime time when your lines are the busiest. And he never tips. And he always buys the cheapest specials you have. Never follows the rules of those specials. And if you don’t have specials will try to trick you into giving him specials you don’t even offer. He also does his best to go over. And if you let him go over he will not compensate you for it. So you have to always watch the clock closely with him.

And even if you do everything right and have lots of experience servicing him he will find an excuse to be unsatisfied. complaining, wanting free stuff. stressing you out. he spends an average of $50-$300 a year at most. But the amount of effort and time he demands to simply do a paid call is more than i would expand on 10 of my normal customers who pay alot more and do alot more calls with me.

To be blunt… unless your just starting out and need new clientele you might not find servicing him profitable.  I have been servicing him since 2012  on various services. His behavior has not gotten better over the years only worse over the years. I have never seen him charge back yet. However…. the amount of perfection, effort, email attention, free pictures this man expects for paying so little(as little as he can get away with) servicing him becomes frustrating and exhausting. And when you have to then start issuing refunds it goes from exhausting to being a pain in the butt. especially when you spend so much time trying to please him and cater to his unique schedule, and overtly picky needs.

I will not be servicing him any more. But if you choose to service him keep all of this in mind.  I would not recommend offering him any specials. I would keep his calls to 10-15 minutes full price due to the nature of his calls and how picky he is. And I would not recommend running alot of time at once for him in one evening/week because he can’t afford it (from what he tells me) and I would hate to see a pso suffer a charge back or feel pressure to refund time (As he has pressured me to do many times).

keep it short and sweet with him.

Keep a script you stick to or he will complain.

if he complains make him email you exactly what he wants you to say.

and when he starts displaying the bad behaviors above i would recommend quietly blocking him.  unless you want to deal with that type of frustration regularly with him. he loves to enjoy lots of phone sex. he just is overtly picky and can’t afford to do as much as he would like. so he tries to find ways he can get it free and get other free attention. thats where the bugging, trying to trick you into going over, begging for cheap specials or complaining to get refunds or free do-overs comes in. Keep all that in mind when servicing him. Steven Parent 442-427-8146 Wanker