Going under name Juan santos now
trying to get time
new number 714-600-1615
zipcode 11550
has done charge backs in the past
Going under name Juan santos now
trying to get time
new number 714-600-1615
zipcode 11550
has done charge backs in the past
Alexander Meade
has done charge backs
Rett Fuhrman has done charge backs.
Cody Samson – 902-302-3146 has done charge backs.
Update: After requesting a refund for a different transaction he decided to charge back the other one.. Do not do calls with him ladies.
Joel Bought 30 minutes with my pso and requested to use it at a different time. Instead of scheduling a time to use it or calling when that PSO was available he called outside of that pso’s hours. Then instead of requesting the PSO refund him he calls billing and lies and says he has no idea what the charge is for. When he knows he made the charge for time to use it later. Had my pso performed the call he might have still requested a refund. Proceed with caution ladies.
Drew Weaver 949-463-4833 DEAD BEAT ZIPCODE 92673
Has done charge backs. Which is even worse because he is into some pretty hardcore extreme nightmare fuel type of calls. On top of charging back, leading up to this he had this new pattern of calling the pso when she isn’t there. Then when she tries to call him right back he has all private/blocked numbers blocked. When you finally get him on the line he doesn’t have any money to spend. He used to be a good client who has unfortunately become a waking dead beat.
Calls immediately launches into dirty talk. flat out tells you he is not paying a dime for anything.
Breathing heavy while giving you info. Card declines. Wanks alot. Ties up lines
Steve Watters 615-925-9025 Time waster
never picks up phone for call back
Edward Hart Has done chargebacks.
zipcode 77029