calling our asian pso’s saying “love you long time” while wanking wasting time and calling back to back rapid fire until blocked
Author Archives: Admin 4
360-461-7032 wanker time waster harrassing caller
calls all the pso’s rapid fire. Wasting time/pretending to want time while asking questions about cost,what you offer, cards you except etc. Only trying to stay on with you as long as possible while jerking off and finally cumming in your ear for free without paying.
817-663-3053 Caller id Martha Tostado Harrassing Wanker
Wanker sounds like male about 20-30 calling demanding free time while wanking.
Calls multiple pso’s rapid fire in a row.
503-312-2221 wanker abusive harassing caller
815-923-9238 Martin Colman abusive caller
had to give a refund. do not do a call with this guy.
so first he wastes my time trying to get all the details to run his payment (for a whole $10)
Then he begins with extreme screaming verbal abuse
his thing is he wants you to choke and gag until you vomit. and there is no pretending he wants to really hear the wet juicy snapping sounds of you shoving a large object in and out of your throat hard and fast like the sounds of sex while your gagging and puking. Brutal BDSM deep throat. Except your not role playing this. your not voice acting this.
he has the expectation your going to be physically doing this to yourself. fingers/toys sucking light gagging isn’t enough. he wants you to abuse yourself until you vomit and it hurts . he is an extreme sadist. DO NOT DO THIS because it will harm your throat and then you run the risk of not being able to take calls until your throat heals..
just not worth it. so i refunded him and blocked him. So unless this is something you can actually do for 5 or more minutes straight non stop loudly without harming your throat i would suggest you do not take this call. plus your harming your throat to run $10? And he will be screaming in your ear and being extremely physiologically verbally abusive while doing it.
Girls throw this one back.
Chad Debyl 608-770-7156 Client turned Abusive and mentally unstable.
Name : Chad Debyl
Phone: 608-770-7156
email :
Chad started out as a decent caller who bought small calls. once he bought an hour block his personality changed. He became toxic argumentative drama ridden and abusive. He went from being easy going to emotionally unstable. It wasn’t worth the drama and abuse and we didn’t want to risk a charge back so even though he used 15 minutes of a 60 minute block we requested a refund in his behalf. With the intention of blocking him from future service with us.
For some back history he told us right out the gate that all the previous pso’s he has dealt with were sub par low quality. So he was coming to us hoping to make a good connection to suit his needs. we went above and beyond to take care of him. Here are some of the issues he had with our service.
2 examples of his toxic behavior.
- he bought email attention. We answered it timely, wrote more than we normally provide to give him a good experience. Not only did he not notice this effort but he became toxic and he accused us of being automated because we got back to him within minutes with a response (it was actually 3 hours though he said it was 30 minutes).
- he tried to call us this past weekend 3x in a row back to back. We were slammed with callers. We didn’t know if he had a wife. So we didn’t try to call him back as it it had been 2 hours since he called. We did email him and let him know we were sorry to have missed him. Keep in mind this is like 2-3 days ago. He some how inflated that into “HE HAS BEEN TRYING TO GET THROUGH TO US FOR 3 WEEKS”. So not only does he become toxic and nit pick but he lies and over inflates the facts to suit himself. We tried to de-escalate this by apologizing because we had a busy weekend but looked forward to playing with him soon. He then took this apology flipped it around and accused of us of purposely and unfairly neglecting him. Becoming emotionally unstable. So we feeling the drama was not worth any revenue decided to request a refund. Because he had made the interactions with him quite toxic. And this was becoming a pattern with him.
If you choose to service him. Keep in mind he will change up on you with his behavior. Before providing paid email attention/stories/pictures/recordings really make him confirm what he wants before proceeding. And if you choose to take calls with him I would discourage you from allowing him to carry over minutes and not sell him large blocks of time. I would only sell him what he is going to use on the spot. Because if he has time with you and you get busy with other clients or your off for the day/weekend its a holiday (doesn’t matter) he will become emotionally unstable, toxic, abusive, demanding and bring the drama.
And it doesn’t matter how kind, and sweet you are. He will twist your words around, sqew the facts and take them out of context. I’m not sure why he is doing this. Maybe its a fetish to treat the pso’s this way. But he really seems to have a split personality. I would proceed with extreme caution when dealing with him. If your a pso who has good clientele and you don’t like drama and toxic behavior I would recommend you don’t service him. Otherwise I would recommend you only sell him the time he is going to use on the spot. and double triple check with him before giving him any form of mailed or digital product. He is not easy going. He is actually very very picky and high maintenance. And once you displease him he will become even more toxic, more picky more high maintenance. To the point every little thing you do or don’t do is nit picked and your just stressed out. He will see micro aggressions/micro transgressions that are not there. And he will whine and throw tantrums in email. Then that bad energy/stress lowers your energy moving forward.
In my opinion, unless your really hurting for business this guy is not worth it. He has the unrealistic expectation to expect you to make him your main and primary priority over all your other clients and priorities in your life. If your a busy pso he might not be a good fit for you. He might be a good fit for a girl who doesn’t have that much clientelle starting out. However keep in mind at any point he may turn toxic. So prepare to have to possibly replace him with other clientelle later. I think this is why he is complaining that the girls don’t stick around. I think that once he becomes toxic they stop taking his calls or they limit their contact with him. And he just isn’t self reflective enough to see his own bad behavior. So he projects that onto all the pso’s versus taking any accountability at all.
Johnny Adame aka John Adame 936-255-0287 Fraud/Wanker
Johnny Adame aka John Adame 936-255-0287
Caller ID says Tammy ZAMARRIPA
gives a zipcode of 77059
He is a chronic time waster. He loves to call the girls up and waste their time. He gives you bad cards. Trying to scam you. Hoping you will run the card after only to find out there is no $ on it. First PSO of mine he called he was flat out jerking it while wasting her time. Second PSO of mine he called he gave her a bad card. When she called to confirm the card he he tried to change the last 4 numbers. She made him say the card slowly to ensure she had the right number. the card declined 3 times because he kept giving bad zip code or card number. When it kept declining she asked him if he got an authorization text on his phone asking him to approve the purchase. He claimed he did. So she asked him to approve it. He said he did. So she tried to run again only to find out it declined again. She told him if he got the text to approve it because it is declining. he got frustrated with his scam and hung up in her face. I want to add this was for a $10 charge. He didn’t even have $10 on his card.
+447709799408 international wanker
+447709799408 international wanker
blocked from my 800# in the following format 447-709-7994 in my call processor
He thought i was gonna charge him after service provided
he got upset/hung up when he discovered its prepay.
228-253-3655 Jason Parker Wanker Time waster
228-253-3655 Jason Parker Wanker Time waster
Refuses to pay, Misleads you. Leads you on and wastes your time. asks endless questions and pretends like he is seriously shopping for a pso to suit his needs. stalls to keep you on the phone so he can masturbate for free without paying a dime. But the funniest thing about this was when he said “I want to brighten your day today”. And silly me thought he was going to tip/tribute me lol. Instead he told me how he was touching himself (For free without paying after misleading me) and some how that was supposed to brighten my day. Making me feel so grateful warm and fuzzy. Because you know… sex is a charity service for all. We don’t need to make money. What’s money lol.
Edward Kearns 405-618-7483 red flag possible fraud
Edward Kearns 405-618-7483 zip code 73069
he started out by telling me that another company couldn’t run his card for some reason. I didn’t see him listed on wankerville so i tried to run him it declined. I asked him if he would like to use another card or call his bank and fix it. and he asked me straight out the gate “did you get a fraud alert on your end or did it just decline”
after hearing that I told him I was unable to run his card again. That he would need to call his bank, fix it and run the payment himself online with his computer on his home isp. He tried to argue with me and tell me to just run it (arguing and yelling over me) and I told him i’m not gonna run it. That he is gonna call his bank and fix it. he promised to. only to call 10 seconds later and tell me to run it again. I again told him I’m not gonna run it. he is gonna call his bank. find out what’s going on and pay for it online. I’m blocking him until i see him make an actual payment.
He could be innocent and having issues with a new card. or it could be fraud/stolen card. or he has $0 on said card and he is trying to bluff the pso using a bad card. to intimidate her to give him a free call or do the call before running (he was very aggressive wanting me to just run it quick. or run it after acting so surprised like he had no idea why it declined.) either way not running. keeping him blocked till he runs and i get more information.