661-380-4639 Will call jerking off with no intention of paying for a call.
Author Archives: Admin 4
661-380-4688- kevin T.Falker
Kevin will call jerking off, give you bogus info then hang up before you can process.
559-515-8970 – wanker
just calls and masturbates and doesn’t say anything
559-515-8277 Aaron richards = wanker
Aaron will call you, both cards decline, he is jerking off the entire time, he will try to keep you on as long as possible until he cums for free.
559-515-8067 -eric =wanker
Eric will call from 559-515-8067 and jerk off pretending to give you card info then cum and hang up, he will do this multiple times. If you don’t pick up he will call over and over and get off to your intro message while running up your bill
701-281-2038- wanker
701-281-2038 calls repeatedly just to ask for the rate and no matter what you say he says no thankyou
859-963-5703 – underage
859-963-5703 does not sound 18/underage caller
814-726-1822 , 814-730-7947 , 814-688-0532 -David Fox wanker
update 6/27/16
David called back on his new number 814-688-0532 to waste time and be a wanker with one of my pso’s to complain about being blocked. pso gave him one more chance to see if he wanted to do a paying call, and all he did was continue to be a wanker and not place a paying call (repeating previous bad behaviors) David was blocked previously for calling just to chat and not paying for calls. We tried to be patient with him because he had done paying calls in the past, But even after several gentle warnings that the phone lines were for paying calls only he continued to abuse the 800 lines.
David was a client who did a few calls. one or two with each girl on the site, then after he gets that initial paid call in with that pso,he begins to call without paying. He ignores requests for payment and talks over the PSO trying to keep her on the phone as long as possible without paying. even after being told he can’t do that he repeats this process. he refuses to email or instant message he wants to hear your voice for free as he jerks off. He will also call your 800 line just to hear your “unavailable” message when your not there because he gets off on the voice mail and then calls and tells you about it. since 11/2015 he has purchased around $100 in calls total with my sites if that and ran up over twice that in phone costs being a wanker. Not worth the time and effort to retain him as a client. He costs more than he spends.
717-874-7131 -wanker
717-874-7131 -wanker has no payment and has intention of paying, just calls over and over trying to talk for free.
732-580-6923 wanker
doesn’t want to pay