Author Archives: Admin 4

412-420-0012 wanker time waster

Multiple call records/no purchases.

has a pattern of calling with bs but not spending money

tonight bs was … “can i buy the 5 min quickie for $10” but with venmo?
Never spends money. Just wastes time. Asks bs questions.

time waster in email Barry Bozarth aka Randy Bozarth aka

Hit up two of our pso’s with interest on calls. He started off by saying he wanting  to spend alot of time and tip us well. Spent alot of time asking questions about what we provide and how to get a call with us over two weeks.  Attempting to rope us into conversations where he could receive free attention via email (Sexting) Emailing us often multiple times a day.

We kept it professional gave info but not the “free attention” he was looking for. We would re-iterate our prices/polices to set up a call. And after wasting our time (responding to his 4+ emails a day)  he would at the end of those two weeks give us a very long drawn out physco religious email saying “he  needs to repent for his sins” quoting bible verses and stated that he will no longer call us because he doesn’t want to hurt god anymore. I let him know in respect for his religious goals we would stop interacting with him via email. He thanked us and proceeded to continue to email us (which we don’t respond to anymore honoring our promise).

Please don’t waste your time with this one. He is looking for whatever free attention he can get. He will start out promising you tons of money and talking sexy to try to score a freebie. Its all a grab for free attention. Then he will say he will set up a time for a 20-40$ call no tip after wasting your time via email. To finally decide  as he puts it ” He isn’t buying anything, he’s choosing God”.

This one will waste your time in email.  And when you re-iterate pictures/service cost $ he will counter with having to get good with his religion again but forgive you for trying to tempt him. This is a scam to waste your time and get free attention in my oppinion.

602-794-5139 Abusive Wanker and Harassing Caller

a man called pso/demanded cam

I kindly told him we don’t provide cam but he can seek a cam girl and their prices may be different between 5-7 per minute(depending on the girl.)
he in turn got hostile and said “well how can i even verify the girl in the picture is even her”
I told him if he wants to see a girl on cam he needs to find a cam girl and pay that rate.
He kept screaming abusively at me but I kept my cool, and i said “good night sir” hung up and blocked him. I think this guy just wanted to cause problems. If your a pso who doesn’t provide cam I would recommend you block.